Employers Liability Insurance
If you employ one or more people, employers' liability insurance is a legal requirement for most events.
It is often an overlooked level of cover, so save time and money by adding it as additional cover to your chosen policy.
Who It Covers
If you employ short term, temporary staff, casual workers, volunteers or helpers, you will be required to have employers' liability insurance. The insurance will cover both paid and non-paid staff working at your event.
What We Cover
Under our employers' liability insurance, we provide cover for your legal liability to pay damages, claimants costs and expenses which arise as a result of an injury to anyone that you employ at your event, including your volunteers, helpers and temporary staff. It does not matter whether your staff are paid or unpaid but they must be under your supervision and control at the time they sustain an injury.
Things We Don’t Cover
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide cover on the following outcomes:
- Any liability in respect of, or arising from any road traffic incidents.
- The employees of any professional contractor or sub-contractor whose services you are employing; the company you are hiring should have their own cover in place. For example, professional security services, caterers or first aiders.
Employers' liability insurance can be added on to most of our insurance policies, with your specific circumstances being taken into account for your policy. No matter how well you plan your event, you could always face a hurdle beyond your control. Contact us today to find out more about our Employers Liability insurance policies and other policies to protect your events.
Find out more about the claims handling process here or contact us today for more information.
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Underwritten by:

Bspoke Underwriting Limited policies are underwritten by Watford Insurance Company Europe Limited.