What Does Public Liability Insurance Cover?

What Does Public Liability Insurance Cover Me For?

Whenever you host an event with public attendance, there is a risk that something unexpected will happen which leaves you liable to pay legal costs and compensation.

If something happens to a member of the public at your event due to of your negligence, you could be personally liable to pay compensation unless you have a public liability insurance policy in place.

With a public liability insurance policy, you will be covered against any of the following occurring to a member of the public at your event:

  • Accidental bodily Injury
  • Accidental death
  • Accidental doss of property
  • Accidental damage to property

Public liability only covers you for any of these occurrences relating to members of the public attending your event, customers or clients. It does not cover you for liability relating to employees, which has a separate employer liability policy.

Who Is Covered By Public Liability Insurance?

The policy holder and their business are covered against public liability when they take out a policy. Taking out a public liability insurance policy for your event means you will be covered for any injury, death, damage or loss of property relating to a member of the public. Therefore, anyone attending your event who experiences any of these scenarios due to your negligence can make a claim and the insurance policy will cover your costs.

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Bspoke Underwriting Limited policies are underwritten by Watford Insurance Company Europe Limited.