A truly great event takes time to plan and execute. If you’re looking for ideas for your own sporting event, take a look at the themes below to inspire you.
Venue Ideas
Depending on what your sporting event is will define the venue and equipment needed. There are many venue of different sizes across the UK, ranging from sports halls belonging to the local community or schools, to larger stadiums and pitches across the UK.
If your sporting event is an annual event, for example a Christmas party or awards ceremony, you may want to consider something a little more special than your local clubhouse. Many sporting venues are available for these functions, where one off event insurance would be applicable.
Entertainment Ideas
During the event the sports will be the main entertainment, however there are extra things to do to keep the audience entertained between breaks. Music, prizes or quizzes relating to the event can be a good way of keeping the audience entertained while the athletes are preparing or having a break themselves.
Catering Ideas
Catering can either be themed towards the event or a variety of foods can be provided. Food choices will vary depending on whether the event is indoors or outdoors and budget.
It may take some common sense in some areas, for example, at a tennis match attendees would expect cream teas and strawberries. Following the trend towards clean eating, healthier alternatives may be appreciated by the athletes and attendees.
Promotion Ideas
You can have a great event planned, but you need to promote it in order to attract attendees. Publicising your event through local media and publications will help to get the word out if your event is an open invitation; if not, personal invitations will help to get attendees. Invitations could look like tickets or an element relating to your sporting event to attract attention and intrigue your audience.
Top Tip
Find out what’s been done in the past and how it’s been received by your audience. For your event, share your ideas with some potential event attendees to get feedback on how you can tailor your event to them.
Did You Know?
- Sometimes the wheel doesn’t need to be reinvented. 83% of fundraising event participants would consider taking part in another event for the same charity. 92% would consider supporting the same charity again but in other ways (Eventbrite).
- Running events remain the most popular kind of charity events, accounting for 77% of all event fundraising pages, however trekking is the activity which raises the most funds – an average of £885 per event. Other types of fundraising events raise on average: Parachuting or skydive – £465, Swimming – £390, Running – £360, Walks – £300
- About half (49%) of planners use the internet as the primary way of finding an event venue.
What to do next
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