Conferences Insurance Cover
We can offer several protections and covers under our conferences policy.
Our four key covers for our conference insurance policies are public liability, employers liability, event equipment insurance, and event cancellation insurance.
Each of these can cover various problems which could occur if you are either organising a conference, meeting, seminar, lecture, or workshop.
Public Liability
This is our most requested cover. It is a cover often taken out to satisfy the needs of your venue or local authority.
What our public liability insurance covers:
Under our public liability insurance, we cover accidental bodily injury which occurs to a member of the public, or accidental damage to third party property, if it is proven to be as a result of your negligence in connection with how you have organised and managed your event.
The policy will respond to pay damages, claimants costs and expenses as well as offering defence costs.
Public liability insurance can be in place when you are setting up and have taken occupation of your venue, as well as when your conference or meeting is open to delegates.
What our public liability insurance does NOT cover:
- Property damage claims which are under £250, as this is the excess of the policy.
- Loss or damage to property which you own, have hired or which you are borrowing or holding in trust. This doesn’t include your hired venue, it relates to items such as marquees, plant equipment or staging.
- Damage to flooring (other than carpeting), the ground or underground services.
- Liability arising from advice, design, coaching, tutoring, specification or treatment i.e. professional malpractice or negligence.
Employers Liability
An often overlooked level of cover. Employers Liability is potentially relevant if you have any volunteers, helpers of employees who are working at your event and fall outside of the organising committee.
What our employers liability insurance covers:
Under our Employers Liability, we provide cover for your legal liability to pay damages, claimants costs and expenses which arise as a result of an injury to anyone you employ at your event including temporary staff, volunteers or helpers. It doesn’t matter whether they are paid or unpaid however, they must be under your control and supervision at the time they sustain an injury.
What our employers liability insurance does NOT cover:
- Any liability in respect of, or arising from a road traffic accidents.
- The employees of any professional contractor or sub-contractor whose services you are employing; the company you are hiring should have their own cover in place. For example, professional security services, caterers or first aiders.
Event Equipment Insurance
Event Equipment insurance relates to items which you are bringing to or hiring for the event which do not come as part of the fixtures of fittings of the venue.
What our event equipment insurance covers:
Our event equipment insurance cover provides accidental damage, loss or theft cover for the event equipment you are legally responsible for (i.e. hired, leased or owned) throughout the duration of the event.
What our event equipment insurance does NOT cover:
- Losses where the repair or replacement of the equipment is under £250 because this is the excess of the policy.
- Theft where there is no forcible or violent entry or exit from any site; or where items have been left unattended and unsecured.
- Damage arising from the faulty erection, use or dismantlement of temporary structures; for example, stages or lighting rigs.
- Unexplained losses, discrepancies or stock taking shortages.
Event Cancellation Insurance
Organising an event can prove to be costly and it is becoming increasingly common for people to look to try to recover their costs if the event they are organising or attending was forced to cancel.
What our event cancellation insurance covers:
Our standard cover provides over for your irrecoverable costs incurred as a result of the unavoidable cancellation, abandonment or postponement of your event for reasons beyond your control including cover for cancellation because of adverse weather conditions.
We also offer extensions to include certain circumstances which are not covered as standard. Such as:
- Cancellation because of a key speaker, performer or person not attending the event,
- Coverage for lost revenue following the cancellation of your event,
- Cancellation caused by terrorism or the threat of terrorism,
These options can be requested and we can look to offer a policy which includes all or a combination of these eventualities.
What our event cancellation insurance does NOT cover:
- The failure of a supplier where your booking arrangements are not confirmed in writing.
- Any situation which you are aware of, before you take out the insurance, which could be expected to or are likely to cause your event to cancel. This can include medical conditions, the current condition of the venue or the known financial troubles of a crucial supplier.
- Reduced attendance or interest in the event.
If you are ever unsure about the coverage of the policy you can give us a call to discuss if your event or activity is something we can insure.
Our policy wording also details all our exclusions and what we mean by certain terms. It is important that you read this before you opt to take out insurance with us to ensure that you are adequately covered for your event and that our insurance policy meetings your needs.
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100,000+ events insured across the UK
Underwritten by:

Bspoke Underwriting Limited policies are underwritten by Watford Insurance Company Europe Limited.