Band, DJ & Performer's Insurance Cover
We can cover various problems which could occur if you are attending events over the course of 12 months, or if it is just the one event you need cover for.
Under our band, DJ & performers insurance policy our key cover is public liability.
Under the annual option, we can cover up for up to 100 performances and rehearsals over the course of a year.
Public Liability
This is our most requested cover across any of our policies. It is a cover often taken out to satisfy the needs of your venue, the event organiser, or a local authority.
What we cover
Under our Public liability, we cover accidental bodily injury which occurs to a member of the public, or accidental damage to third party property, if it is proven to be because of your negligence relating to your performance at an event.
The policy will respond to pay damages, claimants costs and expenses as well as offering defence costs.
This can be either when you are setting up and have taken occupation of your performing area, as well as when event is open to the public during your performance.
Things we don’t cover
- Property damage claims which are under £250, as this is the excess of the policy.
- Damage which arise out of a deliberate act, for example if you were to deliberately smash something as part of your performance.
- Damage to flooring (other than carpeting), the ground or underground services.
- Damage or injuries arising out of activities which we would consider dangerous; these are things like using of vehicles, inflatables, fireworks, circus, or stunt performances as well as the use of projectiles.
- Events which do not take place within the United Kingdom.
If you are ever unsure about the coverage of the policy you can give us a call to discuss if your type of performance or activity is something we can insure.
Our policy wording also details all our exclusions and what we mean by certain terms. It is important that you read this before you opt to take out insurance with us to ensure that you are adequately covered for your event and that our insurance policy meetings your needs.
Get a quote
There are a number of ways to get a quote...
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Proposal form
Download an insurance proposal form and post, email it or fax it to us on 01425 474905.
Enquiry form
Alternatively fill out the enquiry form and we will call you back.
100,000+ events insured across the UK
Underwritten by:

Bspoke Underwriting Limited policies are underwritten by Watford Insurance Company Europe Limited.