Published on: 19 February 2016
The Business Show - Behind the UK's Biggest Conference
The Business Show in London in the UK’s biggest conference and it takes a lot of work to organise such a huge event. We take a look at what is involved and what would need to be covered by insurance for such a large scale event.
Over the 3rd and 4th December 2015, Olympia Conference Centre in London was a hive of activity.
Brimming with a cross section of industries, the two day exhibition provides everything needed to improve and evolve your business. The event is free to attend and offers advice and information from key note speakers and a range of exhibition stands, all geared towards arming businesses with the tools needed to grow within our challenging economy.
Although each and every business is unique, one common thread which links them all together is the passion, drive and commitment which is essential to keeping any business, irrelevant of industry, evolving and successful.
Whilst with any event there is the desire for a smooth execution, sometimes, it's the unexpected mishaps which can really catch you off guard, having a negative impact on the overall event. Whether you're organising the whole thing or simply attending as an exhibitor, there are precautions you can take to endeavour a thoroughly successful event.
By taking out a comprehensive Business Event Insurance policy, you're not only protecting yourself, but those around you as well.
Public Liability
Whether you're organising the entire event or just attending as an exhibitor, you will be required to have a certain level of public liability cover. This will protect you against accidental damage to the venue or accidental injury to a member of the public at the event. The level of indemnity you require can be determined by a number of factors; the venue, the organiser (if not yourself) or sometimes it simply comes down to personal judgement based on a risk assessment. Each and every exhibitor has the responsibility to obtain their own cover prior to commencement of the event.
Employers Liability
With large events such as this one, there is likely to be a high volume of employees/helpers/volunteers involved. The moment you instruct someone to perform a task at your event, whether they are paid or unpaid, they are no long a member of the public and therefore, the public liability section of the policy would not respond should there be an accident. With Employers Liability, should someone injure themselves or cause accidental damage to the venue under your instruction, you would be covered.
Equipment Cover
With something such as an exhibition or conference, there could be a large amount of technical equipment being used to assist with the running of the event. But what happens if that equipment is lost or damaged? With equipment cover, if whilst at the event or in transit to or from the venue the equipment is accidentally lost or damaged, any irrecoverable costs up to the limit insured would be covered under this section.
Cancellation Cover
Does your event rely on one key note speaker? If they couldn't attend, would your whole event have to be cancelled? Even with the most calculated event planning, things can go wrong, there's only so much control you can have on a situation and with cancellation cover in place, you can protect yourself against the unthinkable. If the event is reliant on key people such as guest speakers and if for unforeseen circumstances they couldn't attend deeming the entire event to be cancelled, this section would respond and any irrecoverable expenses would be covered.
Executing such a large scale event with precision takes lengthy planning. Surrounding yourself with a trusty team and delegating responsibility can ensure all angles are covered. With a Business Event Insurance policy firmly in place, it really could be the difference between a smooth running event and a pull your hair out kind of day!
For further information
01425 470360