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So, it's finally here! The flags are flying above houses and whipping in the wind on car wing mirrors. The much heralded Brazilian World Cup has begun and as ever the English need little excuse to party!

Brazil, of course, set the party tone with its opening ceremony, surprising a few with its celebration of the Brazilian natural world and not the usual Rio Carnival displays that it is so famous for. A nice twist. Even the infamous Favelas are now getting on board with their irrepressible enthusiasm for all things football.  So if the Brazilians can lead the way, what can we English do to follow in their footsteps and party through this World Cup?

Football Foodies

Jamie Oliver has stepped up with his World Cup themed menus.  A great idea for the foodie footie fans but maybe a little too adventurous for most. I personally like the idea of inviting other nationalities to your World Cup party to celebrate the universality of the sport. Although having an Englishman, a German, an Argentinean and an Australian in the same place, and adding alcohol, could make for some 'interesting repartee'.

Street Party or Street Football

World Cup Party

Hard core fans have got the whole neighbourhood on board with flags flying and street parties, as well as encouraging no-traffic areas for kids to play street football safely at certain times of the day. A brilliant idea which helps to encourage youngsters to get off their screens and engage with one another as of old.   With whole neighbourhoods coming together for a party this has got to help in getting behind our national team and lifting the nation's spirit after a long, long wet winter. The support for England has been a little muted this time around, perhaps a little more realistic, but that could very quickly change . . . depending on results!

Hate Football?

For those who don’t have that passion for the ‘beautiful game’ there are 'Not The World Cup' parties and gatherings being organised for anyone who feels the need to get away from the football frenzy. Women are being enticed to have parties with a definite feminine theme, while others are simply turning off the television and arranging anything, as long as it’s away . . . far, far away  from it all.


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