Published on: 05 February 2015
A Valentines Day Party?
There seem to be two views on Valentines’ Day. Some people find it all a bit commercial and forced, with constant high street store and TV reminders - a feeling we can probably all relate to on occasions (did you know that in 2010, Hallmark sold 5 billion Valentine cards?). Then there are those that embrace it all, go for everything on offer, and really treat that special person.
But perhaps we should just see it as a good excuse to have some fun. I think I have the answer to keeping everyone happy and actually enjoying the whole ‘Feast Day’ that apparently St Valentines officially was.
A Valentine event can be an all round fun affair for both types, with the forced unoriginality of standard Valentines’ Day offerings abandoned for a fun, funny and frivolous Valentines Party or even a larger scale event - a Valentines Ball?
No Red Roses. No Pressure
You could start with an interesting and fun menu of sumptuous food partnered with hilarious games, and rounds of the ‘Mr & Mrs’ game while enjoying several glasses of pink bubbles. No red roses, no pressure, a total laugh, and Valentines’ Day has a big fat ‘tick’ next to it. Make it as glamorous or as cheesy as you like. Hiring a local catering company can make sure you get to enjoy the Valentines Feast to the full. You may even choose a party planner to help provide fun props and perhaps set up a cosy lounge corner for the after dinner drinks.
Valentines Ideas
Here are some ideas to make your Valentines event original, fun and a feast for all:
- Project a romantic movie (or movies) on a screen
- Synchronise scents of fragranced candles on each table, or choose unscented candles but select strongly scented hyacinths or similar flowers.
- Set up a photo booth - with a fancy dress box.
- Put a Polaroid camera on each table, so there are instant giggles to be had.
Another idea is to put some cards with Mr & Mrs questions at the centre of each table, guaranteed to break the ice between new couples and strangers. Questions could be:
- What is your or your partners dream date?
- What is your or your partners’ worst habit?
- What was your or your partners’ most embarrassing moment?
- What is your or your partners’ favourite food?
- Who would best deal with the spider?
- What is your or your partners’ best joke or impression?
Making Valentines Day into a fun party or bigger event may not keep everyone happy, but with a little imagination it easily beats a card and a red rose.