Exhibitors Insurance FAQs
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Q1: I am organising an exhibition. Is this the right policy for me?
A: No, this is not the correct policy. You need to take out a One off Event policy
Q2: I am attending an exhibition with some valuable stock. Can you cover this under exhibition equipment cover?
A: Yes we can look to cover stock, depending on what it is. It would fall under the exhibition equipment section of this policy, subject to 24 hour security if the event is longer than one day. Cover would only be in force during the event, and during transit to and from the event.
Q3: Which level of Public Liability cover do I require?
A: It is best to check with the event organiser or the venue you are using. They may stipulate that you require a certain level. If not, it really is up to you.
Q4: The exhibition I am attending runs for longer than 10 days. Can you still cover my event and if so, at what additional cost?
A: We can cover exhibitors for longer than 10 days. Please contact us for a quotation.
Q5: I exhibit at a number of shows throughout the year. Which policy should I take out?
A: Depending on how many events you intent to attend, this policy carries a 10 event package; with each event lasting up to 5 days. If you need more events however with fewer days per event; our multiple event policy is also able to cater to exhibitors. Either of these options will save you a lot of money and administration.